. . . this may seem like one of the biggest, if not the biggest, mistakes the chemical industry has ever made," said Jane Houlihan, vice president for research at the Environmental Working Group."We're talking about Teflon, Stainmaster, Gore-tex, Silverstone, So if you buy clothing that's coated with Teflon or something else that protects it from dirt and stains, those chemicals can absorb directly through the skin." According to the E.P.A. some of the highest C-8 levels were found in children.


DuPont faces $5 billion lawsuit over Teflon
By Sue Mueller
Jul 20, 2005,

  • Timesonline.co.uk reports that DuPont is being sued over the alleged claim that Teflon causes cancer.
  • Two law firms in Florida filed the lawsuit against DuPont, representing fourteen people in eight states who brought and used non-stick cookware.
  • Non-stick cookware is made of Teflon, which is repellent to water and cooking oils and also tolerates medium high cooking temperatures.
  • The lawsuit accuses that DuPont has failed to warn consumers of the dangers of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) allegedly contained in Teflon, according to the lawyers for the plaintiffs.
  • Teflon is made from PFOA, which a scientific panel appointed by the US Environmental Protection Agency earlier this month said is "likely" to cause cancer in humans.
  • PFOA is used in a myriad of household products including but not limited to, furniture, clothing, and cables.
  • DuPont rejects the claim that Teflon causes cancer, saying that no PFOA is found in the Teflon-based non-stick coatings used for cookware.
  • The Associated Press reports that Teflon cookware has brought DuPont licensing fees of more than $40 billion.

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