. . . this may seem like one of the biggest, if not the biggest, mistakes the chemical industry has ever made," said Jane Houlihan, vice president for research at the Environmental Working Group."We're talking about Teflon, Stainmaster, Gore-tex, Silverstone, So if you buy clothing that's coated with Teflon or something else that protects it from dirt and stains, those chemicals can absorb directly through the skin." According to the E.P.A. some of the highest C-8 levels were found in children.


Attempts In California to Ban Toxic Chemicals From Food Packaging Advance in State Senate

“PFCs may be the worst, most notorious chemicals ever made and it is outrageous that they are still on the market,” said Walker. “We applaud Senator Corbett and the committee for passing this landmark legislation and look forward to working with them to ensure that the strongest ban becomes law” Walker added.

PFCs are found in the blood of more than 98% of Americans, and are often in children’s blood at higher levels than in adults’. They build up in the food chain and contaminate wildlife around the globe. EPA considers PFCs likely human carcinogens, and they are known to induce testicular and mammary cancers in animals. PFCs are also associated with impaired fetal development, altered male reproductive hormones, and effects on the liver, thyroid gland, and immune system.

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